Friday, May 15, 2015

3 hour glucose tolerance test - Round 2

Another pass!

Fasting: 77
Hour 1: 145
Hour 2: 143
Hour 3: 75

No more GD testing, no more fasting (until c-section day)!

With the worrying I've been doing lately, one less thing to add to the list is fabulous news indeed.

I should stress that I don't have any specific concerns that are worrying me, more of a general worry. I'm getting really close to 31 weeks which is when I went into pre-term the first time with Nathan. Knowing this makes me rather anxious about the chances of pre-term labor again. I'm at a greater risk now that it's happened before.

We love Hannah so much but, we're not ready to meet her yet. We need her to stay warm & cozy right where she is for another 11 weeks.

Also, the position of the cord at my last ultrasound is on my mind a lot. Draped over her shoulders like some diva wearing a scarf is too close for comfort. Fashion & accessories comes later sweet daughter - stay away from the cord!

It's going to be a very long 11 weeks.


  1. I'm so happy you passed again and no more fasting!!

    I can't wait to see Hannah but I think she will wait til her c-section day!

  2. Congrats on passing the glucose test!! : ) I can understand your worry, but am just so glad that you have such a good medical team around you and that they seem to be so on the ball in recognising any risks. I'll keep on praying for your little girl, that she'll remain nice and cosy (and away from the cord!) for the next 11 weeks.xx
