Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This one's for the girls

I will admit, I'm a romantic at heart. I believe in love and I believe everyone will find love, providing you want to.

We've all dated some unsuitable guys, or guys who were suitable perhaps, but it just didn't work out. And, we've all dated guys who were jerks, didn't treat us as well as we deserved and often left us broken hearted.

I don't think I have a girlfriend who doesn't fit that description. I fit that description. For four years (off and on - mostly off) dated someone who would never have put me first in his life. And yet, I muddled through anyway thinking at some point, it would change (it didn't).

Now I know how unbelievably lucky I am that it didn't work out. And I know that most of the girls I know who have been there look back and think "yeah, that was definitely for the best".

So don't give up after that broken heart or months (maybe years) of not finding Mr. Right. I'm positive it will happen.

I'm proof.
My beloved Aunt is proof.
Cara is proof.
Tonya is proof.

And there are thousands (millions!) more.

This is dedicated to all my gorgeous single girlfriends.

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