Monday, November 2, 2015

Hannah at 3 months and some Halloween, too!

A bit about Hannah: Hannah is now three months old and such a happy baby. She smiles all the time, she giggles and babbles and makes us all smile from ear-to-ear. 

She's sitting in her Bumbo perfectly and is so close to sitting on her own. She tries to pull herself up to a sitting position from laying down because, unless she's sleepy, she hates to be laying down. She's such a curious little girl. 

Rolling over is mastered, no problems there and she's determined to get moving. It's going to come early like it did for Ryan I suspect. 

She will hold her own bottle providing it's the 4oz bottle. She doesn't have the strength just yet to hold onto her 8oz bottles. 

We were at Children's Hospital in Washington D.C. a week ago to talk about the hemangioma on her lip. The doctor said laser surgery wouldn't do the trick so we have a topical gel that we apply daily. The hope is that this gel will stop it from growing until it fades away on its own as they usually do. 

If it continues to grow, we'll have to get more aggressive treatment. We will return to the doctor in January and, in the mean time, send her weekly pictures so she can monitor growth (or, hopefully, lack of growth).

As for Halloween...
Hannah managed to make it through the entire trick or treating evening with her big brother. Half was spent in the stroller and the other half in her Uncle Jeff's arms or Aunt Maggie's arms. 

Quite frankly, I'm feeling like a million bucks these days. My kids are happy, healthy and gorgeous. 

Christmas is coming and I can't even begin to describe here how excited I am. I'm very carefully picking out some new house decorations and trying (probably unsuccessfully) to not go overboard. 

It's November 2nd and I can tell you the Christmas spirit is alive and well in me already.

Arts & Crafts & Costumes

The Nightmare Before Christmas inspired costume

I'm so cute it's spooky!

Not a costume, just a fact :)

I managed to fit in a much needed haircut

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