Thursday, June 19, 2014

A minor disappointment

After a significant wait today we got in to see our RE and he agreed that the Gonal-F (gonadtropin) was a good next step.

Except that today is CD 4 and I'd have to get the Gonal-F and start it today. Since I didn't leave the office until nearly 4PM and then had to run James back to work, there was no chance of getting the medication today from the fertility pharmacy. 

So, this month is another Clomid/trigger shot IUI cycle. 
It worked last time (even if the end result wasn't a baby) so I'm okay to have to go this route. 

The other potential hiccup is the cost of the Gonal-F. My doctor suggests 900 IU and if I have to pay OOP, it's over $800. Ouch!

I'm waiting to hear back from the fertility pharmacy if my Rx insurance covers any of it. Some women seem to have it covered by their insurance and others are paying OOP. 

If my insurance covers it, we'll definitely do the Gonal-F next cycle. If not, we'll have to think about that long and hard. 

But you know, let's hope we don't have to worry about what we'll do next month and end up with a positive result THIS month!

Keep sending those good vibes to me, please!

And also... GO USA!

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