Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sending out a "thank you" or two

There hasn't been much to write about because now we're just in the "wait-and-see" phase.

I'll stop taking Prometrium on the 2/19 and then I'll either be (by some miracle) pregnant or my cycle starts over.

As mentioned before, as soon as my cycle starts over, I call the RE and we'll go in to get treatment started for the IUI.

I'm very fortunate that I have a strong marriage. I can see how infertility could easily break apart a fragile marriage. I know we still have a long road ahead of us and it's nice to have a partner supporting me along the way.

I also fortunate that James is a very active part in all this and feels comfortable to ask the doctor questions I hadn't thought of.

My friends have been... spectacular! I have so many people, all over, rooting for us. I can't thank them all enough.

And to my new friend, Jen L, who just did an IUI late last week; my fingers are double crossed for you.

So many people have reached out to me through Facebook and forums; I appreciate every single word of support, comfort and luck.

Have a good week!