Friday, June 27, 2008

Recovery: Day 5

The pain is definitely diminishing and I can go longer before needing the percocet. Everything is healing nicely. At least, I think. I'm scared to look at the stitches still. I'm a complete wuss.

Because I still have to sleep on my back, and because my cats are still young and therefore rambunctious, they aren't allowed in the bedroom with me at night. Which has made them both excellent day company. They don't leave my side until it's time for me to go back to bed. It's been sweet having them cuddle up next to me during my recovery.

They've had a rough time of it lately. A month ago I was in England for a week and that got them sad. Then of course I spent a couple nights in the hospital and on top of that, I'm denying them their bed time with me.

Next week, we'll all be back to normal.

And, I'm counting down the days (84) until I'm back in England with James.

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